A quote about the cause said by someone or relevant to the project


It is part of the program to enhance women's participation in public life.

Based on Security Council Resolution 1325, which states the role of women in times of peace and war; The Pink Damage project was launched in 2015 to focus on the issue of empowering women to be able to protect themselves, healthily and socially, in the face of the effects of war and its repercussions, and thus protect their families and communities.

During the past years, the project witnessed developments in terms of the implemented activities and the target group in response to the changing societal needs.


It was launched at the beginning of 2020, with the aim of expanding the base of empowered health care providers in the field of reproductive health from the perspective of gender-based violence on the one hand, and promoting awareness of reproductive health concepts among different segments through social media on the other hand.

This phase included 6 activities:

  • Increase the number of Pink Hug medical team members by opening the door for volunteering.
  • Implementing a cervical cancer awareness campaign during January 2020, which is International Cervical Cancer Awareness Month.
  • Building the capacity of 45 male, female and legal midwives on reproductive health concepts from the perspective of gender-based violence and possible health interventions to confront this type of violence by health care providers, through two training:- February 6, 2020 - Damascus with the participation of 20 doctors and midwives from the governorates of Suwayda and Daraa over a period of 3 days between 6-8 February 2020.
    - October 29, 2020 - Al-Nabek, with the participation of 25 doctors from the Qalamoun region, in the period between October 29-31, 2020
  • Developing training content for workshops on concepts of reproductive health from the perspective of gender-based violence, by adding new axes that cover the needs of targeted health care providers.
  • Produce and publish educational content about physical health.
  • Production and dissemination of educational medical content covering the outbreak of the Corona epidemic and preventive instructions targeting different segments with a focus on pregnant and lactating women.

Our most prominent achievements during this phase:

  • Enhancing the participation of male and female health care providers in the governorates of As-Suwayda and Daraa in support of women to confront gender-based violence.
  • 25 young male and female health care providers are empowered and trained to link reproductive health issues with gender-based violence and the intervention mechanisms available to reduce it.
  • An increase in the rates of follow-up and access via social media to the educational medical content produced by the project.

At the beginning of this year, we formed a volunteer medical team for Pink Hug consisting of doctors and female doctors who benefited from the training previously provided by the project, where the team worked on:

  • Preparing simplified medical informational content directed at different age groups that use social networking sites, to raise awareness of reproductive health concepts from a gender-based violence perspective.
  • Creating characters (Dadoum and Adawma), which are drawn cartoon characters that are used to promote the concepts of reproductive health and its importance, and to start from them for topics that are in this context.

Our most prominent achievements at this stage:

  • Linking the concept of reproductive health to the phenomenon of gender-based violence.
  • High rates of interaction with the educational medical content published through the accounts of Pink Hug project on social media.
  • An empowered and trained medical staff on reproductive health issues from a gender-based violence perspective.

In continuation of what was achieved by the Pink Inclusion project in the previous stages, we worked in cooperation with the United Nations Population Fund - Syria during the period between October and December of 2019 to launch the third phase of the project, which targets two main groups: Syrian women of different ages, and health care providers from Doctors, female doctors and midwives.

This phase included 3 activities:

  1. An awareness campaign about breast cancer during the month of October through pink enclosure pages on social media, which included a variety of publications dealing with information about breast cancer, and a series of awareness videos presented by the Pink Hug medical team, including: How to do a self-examination, the difference between examination Early diagnosis, prevailing beliefs about breast cancer, and others.
  2. Training of trainers for health care providers, in cooperation with the United Nations Population Fund - Syria, with the aim of preparing 25 trainers of doctors, female doctors and midwives who participated in the training of the first phase of the project, and the training was held in Damascus over a period of 4 days, from 28 to 31 October 2019.
  3. Participation in the 16 days campaign against gender-based violence by focusing on the psychological effects that result from penetrating the personal space of women.

Our most prominent achievements in this phase:

  • Increase confidence in Pink Bouquet and its medical team by requesting medical consultations via the mail page.
  • Positive evaluation by followers of the content presented on the project's Facebook page.
  • A trained and empowered team of 25 doctors and midwives is able to implement training on reproductive health issues from a gender-based violence perspective.

The health care provider segment is one of the most influential segments in the Syrian society, so in the second stage we directed to involve this category (doctors, doctors and midwives) in the process of changing the reality of women's and men's health in Syria, where this need came to a greater extent after monitoring many cases of existing violence. On the gender practiced by health care providers.

The second phase started with building the capacities of medical students and midwives from various Syrian governorates through:

  • Training them on reproductive health issues from a gender-based violence perspective.
  • Familiarizing them with laws related to the practice of the medical profession, and the possible intervention mechanisms by them to alleviate the phenomenon of gender-based violence.
  • Thus building a network of medical service providers in the field of sexual and reproductive health to be partners in change, support and empower women, and confront all forms of violence against them.
  • As a result, their roles were strengthened within their private space represented by the family first and in the public sphere represented by society secondly.

This phase focused on achieving 3 goals:

  • Promoting awareness among men and women of different age groups on the concepts of reproductive and sexual health, through social media, through various educational and medical media content.
  • Forming a network of supportive health service providers, and working to integrate them into societal issues, thus reducing the phenomenon of gender-based violence.
  • A cadre of 25 male and female physicians who are trained and able to work on reproductive and sexual health issues from a gender-based violence perspective and transfer knowledge related to it to the communities in which they work..

It included two main activities:

Where two trainings on concepts of reproductive health from the perspective of gender-based violence were held in Damascus on:

  • January 4, 2018, 25 male and female medical students and midwives from various Syrian governorates were trained
  • December 20, 2018 In order to complete the previous training, 25 male and female medical students and midwives were trained from various Syrian governorates

The Pink Hug project was launched in October as a multi-activity awareness campaign across the Syrian geography, to raise awareness of breast cancer and the need for early detection, as we worked to raise awareness and break the barrier of fear of speaking about it.

This phase included 5 activities:

An awareness campaign on social media about breast cancer and the need for early detection:

  • The launch of a special Facebook page for the project, which at the end of the campaign reached 5,300 likes.
  • Production and publication of medical media outputs of articles and research.
  • Infographic focusing on women's health issues.

Live dialogue sessions to raise awareness of breast cancer and early detection mechanisms

450 women and young women from 15 Syrian cities were targeted, and it was implemented in cooperation with 20 local partners from civil teams and organizations active in these cities.

The "Karmalan ... We will walk" in the Qalamoun area, on 24-10-2015

He set off from Nabek City towards the Medical City with the aim of breaking the barrier of fear about breast cancer and making early detection, and ended with providing a free "mammogram and echo" examination within the Qalamoun Medical City for all women who participated in the walk.

Using art and music to raise awareness about breast cancer and the need for early detection through:

  • A concert was held at the Opera House in Damascus on November 5, 2015 to highlight the procedure for early detection of breast cancer, as the proceeds of the concert were used to contribute to the purchase of examination coupons that were distributed to female breadwinners and displaced women within the marginalized neighborhoods.
  • Holding an exhibition of plastic paintings and pictures entitled "Pink Body" in Damascus on October 31, 2015, with the participation of 14 artists from different - Syrian regions, with the aim of changing the perception of art as a tool for expressing societal needs, as well as in order to form an artistic feminist movement and encourage them to continue to present their artistic vision And their thoughts are without restrictions.
  • Working with a group of mobile medical teams to conduct early detection examinations for female breadwinners and displaced women, in cooperation with the Damascus Doctors Syndicate and the Family Planning Association, and distributing 211 free breast examination coupons and awareness publications about breast cancer and the method of self-detection within the marginalized areas and neighborhoods in Damascus (Aisha River Behind the Abbasid Stadium, Masaken Barzeh).

Our most prominent achievements during this phase:

  • Unifying the efforts of 21 civil work organizations and women's teams in one campaign.
  • Promote awareness of the need to conduct early detection screening for breast cancer among 661 women from different regions and societal backgrounds (female breadwinners and heads of families, internally displaced ...).
  • Breaking the barrier of fear and societal stigma related to cancer in general and breast cancer in particular.
  • Involving young artists in the field of drawing and music in women's issues and expressing societal needs without restrictions and in various forms.


Women benefited
from breast cancer
awareness workshops


ِArtists participated
in an exhibition
"Pink Body" in Damascus


Women have received
medical examinations


Media outlets covered
the team's activities


Medical students & midwives
have been trained


Doctors and midwives benefit
from health workshops